Tag Archives: buffy

Angel Vs. Spike

**Contains Buffy the Vampire Slayer (series) & Angel (series) Spoilers**

So, I have Netflix and they have most of the Buffy episodes available. Because I was a fan of Buffy when it originally aired (in fact, I’m a fan of Joss Whedon in general), I’ve been happily watching, or rewatching, the show.

Am I the only one who found Spike the more appealing vampire-lover character?

Here are my reasons…

One, Spike has a more heart-wrenching back story. I can completely understand how and why he relished in taking revenge on those who tormented him while he was human. I can also see why he’s so sensitive, with the overly macho exterior.

Two, Angel had a soul forced upon him. When his soul is removed (which happens more than once within the two series – Buffy & Angel), he instantly turns back in to a sadistically evil demon. That, it would appear, is his base nature. Spike, on the other hand, actively and willfully seeks out obtaining a soul (to “become the man Buffy deserves”). Even while being technically “evil”, Spike is able to better control himself and his vampire urges. He willingly deals with unmentionable pain, enduring multiple tests in order to gain a soul and become a better person.

Three, Spike’s accent is just hot. Come on, it had to be said.

Now, with all that said, I do like the character of Angel. I was a fan of the Angel spin-off series too. His character had it’s own tragic story: knowing that he could become Angeles (the evil twin) at any moment, having to live with the memories of what Angeles has done, constantly trying to redeem himself for those actions (without ever feeling as though he might be able to), and so on.


Posted by on November 24, 2011 in All, For Fun/Just Because


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